Saturday, May 20, 2023



The Countess of Clarencefield, Bethan Glentaggart, a Catholic living among the pagans of Protestantism, is the subject of the book. Even when the thugs of London tried to raid her Heath Hall house one night in search of priests hiding in the building, she was forbidden from displaying any signs of fear or weakness. When William of Orange invaded England, she and her family fled to France, and Lucy became their closest friend. She was married to Gavin, the Earl of Clarencefield and Baron Cleughbrae, who was also a Catholic. It appeared unavoidable that the Church of England and Catholics would go to war. The Jacobite Rebellion began in 1715 as a result of the death of Queen Anne and the following coronation of King George of Hanover, the first and only German-born monarch of England. 

Gavin immediately left Heath Hall to join his fellow citizens in the fight for Catholics' right to practice their religion freely and to remove George of Hanover from the English crown. 

Gavin was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Thankfully, Gavin was able to inform his wife, Bethan, the Countess, of his whereabouts. She was urged to travel to London as soon as feasible by him. Bethan was told by Gavin to bring as much cash as she could. Gavin would need her assistance in requesting his release. The Countess's greatest dread had materialized.

The Countess came up with a strategy to save Gavin. Her committed group of female friends provided extensive assistance. Even though it was a wonderful strategy, nothing had to go wrong for her to succeed in saving Gavin's life. The day before Gavin was supposed to be put to death, the Countess intended to carry it out. Was she, together with her strong female pals, up to the task? Would the Countess's strategy be able to prevent the death of her cherished husband?

This book,  A Noble Cunning, is a Christian historical fiction that focuses mainly on how the war between Catholics and Protestants prevailed since the olden times,  I enjoyed the thought-provoking bible verses the author quoted in the beginning chapters of the book. 

A must-read for historical fiction readers as the author has put in the effort to well research the true events. Thanks to NetGalley and Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an advance copy of my honest review


A thrilling tale, based on a true story, of one woman’s tremendous courage and incomparable wit in trying to rescue her husband from the Tower of London the night before he is to be executed.

The heroine of A Noble Cunning, Bethan Glentaggart, Countess of Clarencefield, a persecuted Catholic noblewoman, is determined to try every possible means of saving her husband’s life, with the help of a group of devoted women friends.
Amid the turbulence of the 1715 Rebellion against England’s first German king George I, Bethan faces down a mob attack on her home, travels alone from the Scottish Lowlands to London through one of the worst snowstorms in many years, and confronts a cruel king before his court to plead for mercy for her husband Gavin. As a last resort, Bethan and her friends must devise and put in motion a devilishly complex scheme featuring multiple disguises and even the judicious use of poison to try to free Gavin.
Though rich with historical gossip and pageantry, Bethan’s story also demonstrates the damage that politics and religious fanaticism can inflict on the lives of individuals.


After earning a Degree of Distinction in American Studies from Smith College, Patricia Bernstein founded her public relations agency in Houston.
In 2018, her third book was named a Finalist for an award from the Texas Institute of Letters. The Austin American Statesman named the book to a list of 53 of the best books ever written about Texas. Patricia's nonfiction is previously published by Simon & Schuster and Texas A&M University Press.
Today Patricia lives in Houston with her husband, journalist Alan Bernstein, where she pursues another great artistic love, singing with Opera in the Heights and other organizations. She also basks in the glory of her three amazing daughters. A Noble Cunning is her debut novel.

266 pages, Paperback
March 7, 2023 by History Through Fiction

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